What is Community Mediation?
Please see What is Community Mediation
How does mediation work?
Please see The 3-Step Mediation Process
Who is Community Mediation for?
Community mediation is for local people who have been unable to resolve their differences but want to.
Why is mediation a good idea?
A positive solution removes the stress caused by the issue. It also means parties don’t have to become involved with costly legal proceedings.
Who pays for the Service?
For Ealing residents, the service is free. We also offer a cost-effective package to registered social landlords and neighbouring local boroughs.
How do I start the process?
You can either be referred by the council or you can self-refer using our online referral form.
How long does mediation take?
We will contact you within seven days of receiving your referral, but mediation isn’t a quick fix; it takes planning and needs to be conducted sensitively and professionally. It would normally involve a couple of meetings over a few weeks. We will keep you informed all throughout the process.
What if the person I am in dispute with doesn’t want to cooperate?
We can offer you an individual coaching conversation which we have developed using techniques drawn from solution focussed therapy, used by many health services.
My neighbour and I want to engage, but we don’t want to meet. What can we do?
We offer both individual and joint virtual meetings as an alternative to in-person meetings
How do I contact you?
You can phone, email or write to us at. Our contact details are here