Feedback from users of our service
Here are some of the things people who have used our service have said to us
“Thanks for the service you provided, I found it very useful and insightful. It helped me understand how our tenant feels about the organisation and me in particular, hopefully the mediation will help going forward. When I attended the mediation I was nervous but the staff helped put me at ease which I really appreciated – Once again a huge thanks!”
“Thank you very much for your time and understanding. It was very good to speak about the problem and our fears, it was almost therapeutic. Your organisation is excellent. Our very best wishes for the future.”
“EMS was a great help in listening to a problem we had with a neighbour. This has now been resolved. I will be passing on EMS’ number to friends and family if needed in the future.”
“I think this is a very useful service, and so good that volunteers give their time.”
“It is a shame that my neighbour did not decide to pursue mediation, your efforts are however much appreciated, as is your understanding.”
“I am very grateful for all the kindness I received from all the mediation team. I thank you very much for helping to sort out the problems.”
“Thank you for the service, it was all positive.”
“We very much appreciated the mediation service………we would very much like to ask your organisation that the case remain open as we feel we might need your service one day as long as the neighbour agrees to it.”
“I am being more mindful than I was before of the noises I may make. I hope my neighbour is willing to do the same. This hope is helping me cope better.”
“I was disappointed that my neighbours did not respond….in our dispute it was the only way forward, however, I benefited from talking to EMS and I’m glad that this service is available for Ealing residents.”
“The mediators were both very nice women and although they remained impartial, I felt their sympathy which I was grateful for.”
“I appreciate the time and effort on my case, it is a shame my neighbour did not wish to take part, although at this time her noise has decreased – possibly as a result of being contacted by the mediation service.”
“Thank you to the mediators, the ladies were all very skilled at facilitating the session with my neighbours. After more than 2 years of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with my neighbours I finally feel more comfortable and safe in my own home.”
“Thank you and your team for the help you gave our family in stopping ASB in our street. The noise has stopped, and we no longer have visitors at 3-5 o’clock in the mornings coming and going. All the other neighbours affected have also been pleased with the outcome and I thank you on their behalf. The EMS team has proven to be very effective in letting unsociable neighbours realise the problems they cause and hope the level of service continues throughout the borough.”